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Magicka Nightblade PvE Healer

NB Healer PvE Build.jpg


This page features the Magicka Nightblade healing setup I use for Dungeons & Trials! I've played my Nightblade character exclusively as a healer since I created him in 2014 and have always had a ton of fun healing with this class!




Bar 1: Restoration Staff

  1. Radiating Regeneration (Regeneration Morph)

  2. Funnel Health (Strife Morph)

  3. Healthy Offering (Malevolent Offering Morph)

  4. Combat Prayer (Blessing of Protection Morph)

  5. Illustrious Healing (Grand Healing Morph)

  6. Ultimate - Bolstering Darkness (Consuming Darkness Morph)

Bar 2: Lightning Staff

  1. Energy Orb (Necrotic Orb Morph)

  2. Refreshing Path (Path of Darkness Morph)

  3. Elemental Drain (Weakness to Elements Morph)

  4. Elemental Blockade (Wall of Elements Morph)

  5. Siphoning Attacks (Siphoning Strikes Morph)

  6. Ultimate - Aggressive Horn (War Horn Morph)

Options: I really like using Soul Siphon (Soul Shred Morph) as my main heal ultimate on my front bar as well, especially in Dungeons and 4-man content. You could also use Life Giver (Panacea Morph) for your front bar Ultimate as well.

Dungeon & Trials Healing Setup

Where to get this gear:

Sentinal of Rkugamz - Head pieces drop from the final boss of Veteran Darkshade Caverns 1. Shoulder pieces can be found by opening Undaunted Chests after obtaining keys from the daily Undaunted Pledges.

Winter's Respite - Western Skyrim & Guild Stores

Vestment of Olorime - Cloudrest Trial (Summerset)

The Master's Restoration Staff (Grand Rejuvenation Set) - Found in the final chest after completing Dragonstar Arena. Completing Dragonstar Arena on Veteran difficulty will give you the Perfected version.

Ring of the Pale Order - Antiquities System


Other Sets that can work for this build:

Earthgore - Head pieces drop from the final boss of Veteran Bloodroot Forge. Shoulder pieces can be found by opening Undaunted Chests after obtaining keys from the daily Undaunted Pledges.
Symphony of Blades - Head pieces drop from the final boss of Veteran Depths of Malatar. Shoulder pieces can be found by opening Undaunted Chests after obtaining keys from the daily Undaunted Pledges.

Bogdan the Nightflame - Head pieces drop from the final boss of Veteran Elden Hollow 2. Shoulder pieces can be found by opening Undaunted Chests after obtaining keys from the daily Undaunted Pledges.

Hollowfang Thirst - Moongrave Fane dungeon (Scalebreaker DLC)

Healing Mage - Aetherian Archive Trial (Craglorn)

Spell Power Cure - White-Gold Tower (Imperial City DLC)

Kagrenac's Hope - Crafted set located at the Earth Forge. To access this you must complete the Fighter's Guild quest line.

Armor of the Seducer - Crafted set located at Temple of the Eight in Grahtwood, Fisherman's Island in Stormhaven, and Berezan's Mine in Deshaan.

Eyes of Mara - Crafted set located in Eyevea. To access this you must complete the Mage's Guild quest line.

The Asylum's Restoration Staff (Timeless Blessing Set) - Asylum Sanctorium trial (Clockwork City DLC)

The Maelstrom's Restoration Staff (Precise Regeneration Set) - Found in the final chest after completing Maelstrom Arena (Orsinium DLC). Completing Maelstrom Arena on Veteran difficulty will give you the Perfected version.

Champion Points

The Lord (10)

10 Quick Recovery

The Lady (140)

40 Thick Skinned, 50 Hardy, 50 Elemental Defender

The Steed (120)

80 Ironclad, 40 Spell Shield,

The Ritual (23)

23 Thaumaturge

The Atronach (10)

10 Staff Expert

The Apprentice (237)

100 Blessed, 75 Elfborn, 45 Elemental Expert, 17 Spell Erosion

The Shadow (42)

15 Shadow Ward, 27 Tumbling

The Lover (168)

100 Arcanist, 68 Tenacity

The Tower (60)

10 Sprinter, 50 Warlord

Other Important Things

Race: I play as an Argonian, but other magicka classes like Breton, High Elf, Dark Elf, or Khajiit are great options. Any magicka focused race would work well for this build, however you may need to tweak things depending on your stats and racial passives.

Mundus: The Atronach (Increase Magicka Recovery)

Attributes: 64 into Magicka

Food Options: 

















Potions: Essence of Spell Power. It can be crafted using Lorkhan's Tears, Corn Flower, Lady's Smock, and Water Hyacinth.





Witchmother's Potent Brew.jpg
Essence of Spell Power.jpg

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